Do You Need to Balance Kapha?
Kapha dosha governs structure and fluid balance in the body. Answer these questions to see if you need to balance Kapha.
- Do you tend to be overweight?
- Are you often unmotivated and lethargic?
- Do you experience sinus problems?
- Do you sleep long hours yet wake up unrefreshed?
- Are your skin and hair oily?
- Do you find that you are possessive and over-attached?
- Do you feel discomfort in cold damp weather?
- Do you feel lazy or complacent?
- Do you experience bloating, water retention?
- Do you feel stiff and heavy, especially in the morning?
- Do you experience congestion?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, you may need to balance Kapha. I can help evaluate your specific needs during yourNutritional & Lifestyle Consultation.
Tips for Balancing Kapha
- All Kapha products: drink Kapha Tea and season meals with Kapha Churna, diffuse stimulating Kapha Aroma Oil in your home or office.
- Vigorous regular exercise, a little each day.
- Warm temperatures.
- Fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes.
- Favor pungent, bitter, astringent tastes and light, dry and warm foods.
- Reduce heavy, oily, cold foods and sweet, sour and salty tastes.
- Seek out variety and new experiences.
- Stay warm in cold, damp weather.
- Early to bed, early to rise.
Kapha-Pacifying Diet
- Dairy. Low-fat milk is better. Always boil milk before you drink it — which makes it easier to digest — and take it warm. Do not take milk with a full meal or with sour or salty food. You might add one or two pinches or turmeric or ginger to whole milk before boiling it to help reduce any Kapha-increasing qualities in the milk.
- Fruit. Lighter fruits, such as apples and pears, are better. Reduce heavy or sour fruits, such as oranges, bananas, pineapples, figs, dates, avocados, coconuts and melons, as these fruits increase Kapha.
- Sweeteners. Honey in moderation is excellent for reducing Kapha. Avoid sugar products, as these increase Kapha.
- All beans are fine, except tofu.
- Reduce all nuts.
- Grains. Most grains are fine, especially barley and millet. Do not take too much wheat or rice, as they increase Kapha.
- Spices. All are fine except for salt, which must be used in moderation. It increases Kapha.
- Vegetables. All are fine, except tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet potatoes and zucchini. They all increase Kapha.
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